Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Truth! (and butterflies)

(September 30th) I'm usually pretty good about spotting politicians at the airport.  I'm not sure why, but call it a seventh sense (I'll leave it up to you to determine my sixth sense).  A few years ago I had a chance to meet Bill Richardson while waiting for a plane in Dallas.  I still wish he'd run for office again, allegations of corruption aside...well, maybe not after reading about the details...but it's a shame as he was good for New Mexico as far as I could tell.

Anyways, the Truth!  During my flight out of Albuquerque, I was waiting in the airport next to Steve Pearce, who was running for congress at the time.  As it was still before the time to vote (note the date for this of September 30th), I was contemplating talking to him for a few minutes, until I looked up his website and decided against it.  Elizabeth, though, enjoyed how he had prominently featured The Truth on his website.  Perhaps this blog should be called The Truth, and thus make my opinions on food related issues be more substantial and/or factual.  That's The Truth.

To offset this digression and to reimburse those of you who were hoping to hear about Oxford, here're some photos of butterflies that I took at the Albuquerque bio-park just before leaving.  Enjoy!

I learned long ago that butterflies are notoriously shy around a camera, always flitting around and doing their best to disrupt any photo-taking plans that you might have.  That aside, the Albuquerque biopark is a fantastic place to visit.  This time of year (Decemberish), they have their River of Lights in the evenings.  I highly encourage a visit if you can.

Next up: getting my feet wet (literally, though not necessarily in the next post) in Oxford.

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