Saturday, January 4, 2014

Portland + Germans = Beer Hall Festivities

(August 4th, 2013) The hypothesized equation of

Portland + German Colleagues = Beer Hall Festivities

was evaluated to the best of my abilities after my meetings let out for the day. I had a number of German acquaintances in town for the conference as well, including Pascal and Bernhard whom you might remember from previous posts.

We started off the evening at the Hair of the Dog Brewing Company, where we imbibed all of the samples that we could until the place closed (it was a Sunday evening after all). I couldn't tell you what I had to drink, but it was good. In addition to their own beers on tap, they also reserve some for barrel aging. The results of which - phenomenal.  I'll have to stop by again if I'm in the neighborhood, though with the 50 some breweries in Portland that I still haven't tried, it might take a while before I make it back there!


After visiting a few other bars, I convinced my German colleagues that what they really needed to do was to go out to VooDoo Doughnuts for a late night treat (as it was getting close to midnight at this point since we closed down two other bars on our way over). After a long night of drinking and walking all over Portland, this is definitely a must-do event!

Tons of inventive varieties of doughnuts...just look at the surrounding pictures for a taste of them

For the curious among you, I recommend clicking the above picture to be able to read all of the amazing varieties.

This visit, I ended up getting just four doughnuts to tied me over for breakfast for the rest of the week. Clockwise from the upper left: Diablos Rex, Mexican Hot Hot Hot Chocolate, the No Name Doughnut, and Portland Cream. All fantastic in their own rights.

Just remember that if you go there, bring cash. They do have an ATM inside, but it seems like a better idea to have cash on hand when you frequent the establishment.

Next up: less drinking and more eating.

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