Sunday, March 9, 2014

Running in Torino

(September 8th-13th) Running through the middle of Turin is the Fiume Po, a wide, slow moving rive with bike paths galore! Every morning before my conference meetings, I would get up and head down to the river before running for an hour along the trails. Afterwards, when I had time on Saturday before I had to catch my train to take me to Stuttgart eventually, I was able to go back and photograph a few of the places that I enjoyed running past.

In homage to their cultural roots, a reconstruction of a midieval village was erected along the river as a tourist attraction for the winter Olympics.

Most of the river was lined with picturesque rolling hills, atop of which were old churches or other such structures.

Of course, eventually you had to come off of the riverside trail to cross a few roads...

There were lots of parks and concert venues near the river though. The Monday morning that I ran past ones, such as on the right in the image above, the gutter was filled with cups and bottles.

At the end of this bridge is the Chiesa della Gran Madre di Dio.

The view North from that bridge (the running trails ended here).

And to the West from that bridge, another plaza!

On my long run that week, I had headed as far South as I easily could go (some 10 miles from the city center). This wouldn't have been very notable, except that as I was crossing a pedestrian bridge a bee flew into my mouth and stung my tongue! Madre di Dios indeed! I was extremely thankful that I wasn't allergic to bees like I was as a little child; imagine trying to explain what happened to someone when they don't speak your language and you could barely talk! Luckily, the worst that happened due to this bee was that my tongue was numb for the rest of the day, and I had a really bitter taste in my mouth (probably from biting the bee after it stung me).

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