Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mid August Miscellany

Just a few thoughts from mid August's (well, mainly but not all) pictures.

1. Everyone loves Bandit.  How could you not?  Especially since he loves everyone back!

Pets love Bandit...
Bandit loves people, and people love Bandit...

And Bandit loves treats!  Nomnomnomnomnom...
Yes, I'm missing my fur ball while in Oxford...

Second, somehow without me really noticing, my go-to meal for this summer has been my quiche with pancetta, leeks, and tomatoes.  Pair that with a fresh salad, some just-out-of-the-oven French bread and cheese (stinky blues and smooth bries please), and maybe even an onion soup...mmm, delicious.  If I manage to find puff pastry in England, I'll be making this one night very soon...I'm sure my flatmates won't complain!

Update 11/5/12: More pets love Bandit!

It's official, everyone loves Bandit.

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