Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Acoma, 2013

(May 27th, 2013) Like the swallows of San Juan Capistrano, every Memorial Day weekend marks my return to Acoma for their Seed Run. I really can't extoll the virtues of doing this race enough in terms of the positive support of the community and knowing that your race entry fee is going towards a good cause. And, for those of you that need more incentive (though I can't fathom why), most people that participate win pottery:

The race itself runs around the periphery of the "Sky City" (the Acoma pueblo, which is situated on top of a mesa), and consequently has some extraordinary vistas to enjoy while running or standing around. Below, the start and finish lines:

This year I managed to drag a few folk along, Kim and her sister Abbey

As well as one of my students/colleagues at work, Ryan

We both won nice pots. It's all by age group, and it goes either three or four deep (which is usually more than there are entrants in a given age group).

So, consider this a heads up for you to start getting ready for it. It's 8.3 fun miles in the warm (not hot) desert sun of late May. Unquestionably, this is my favorite race to do in New Mexico.

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