Sunday, February 23, 2014

Echigo Goes Camping

(September 1st-2nd) I always enjoy going on a few camping trips every summer. With all of my work this past summer, though, I was woefully behind on my quota. So, to make up for it, Kim and I spent labor day up in the Northern corner of the Jemez. Of note, this was Echigo's first camping trip!

Kim with Echigo.

Soju perplexed by free-ranging cattle!

The view from our campsite as night was setting in. Echigo gave us quite a scare that night! As we were setting up camp, we had both Echigo and Soju tied off around trees by the area that we had designated for the fire circle, probably 40 yards away from where we were making camp. After we were almost done, I looked out from the tent and saw Echigo standing there. She was so frightened of being left alone that she chewed through her leash and came to find us. We were both scared witless though because the thought of 'what if she didn't come find us' floated through our heads. There's no way that we would have ever found her again! Yikes.

But, all's well that ends well. Here's Soju and Echigo plopped down to sleep after a long hike (4 miles or so for them).

The corner of the Jemez that we camped in is usually deserted. Very few people go this far North in the Jemez, so it was a lush wonderland of unspoiled nature for us to enjoy.

And, needless to say, the dogs thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to roll in new dirt and types of scat that they'd never smelled before. Here's Echigo on her island. As we hiked out, we came across a bow hunter who had just bagged his elk for the season. He was in the middle of field dressing the elk and carrying it out to his car, so Soju was absolutely head over heels in love with the smell of his clothes.

Next up, Matt's European Odyssey, 2013.

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