Sunday, February 23, 2014

Elizabeth's 40th!

(August 23rd-24th) After Pascal returned to Stuttgart, my sister came up for the weekend. So, to celebrate her birthday in style, we had a brother-sister camping trip out into the Pecos wilderness. The trip up to the Pecos was a bit of a comedy of errors. Elizabeth arrived in Albuquerque fairly late, so we were a bit pressed for time to begin with. As we drove up into the Pecos, the first place that I had planned on us setting in turned out to be unreachable in my little old Geo. So, we turned around and headed for plan B...which turned out to be closed. Well, after two strikes, I decided to go with an old, reliable solution, and set us in near the Iron Gate. We had to hike quickly to get the several miles in that we were hoping for before making camp, as you can tell by the darkness of the photos from just after we reached a spot for base camp:

Despite my fears of having to set up camp in the dark, we somehow made it to a good camp site just in time to be able to set up and cook dinner with just barely enough light to see by.

Soju accompanied us on our excursion as well, and he was bushed by the time we settled in.

However, come the middle of the night, and morning, he made a full recovery, with this being the sight to which I woke up. Frighteningly cute.

Base camp, with Soju standing guard over our tents.

The view from our campsite, once we came out of the trees. After waking up, we set out to climb Round Mountain before heading back to Santa Fe...

Pecos Baldy.

The view from atop Round Mountain.

Elizabeth enjoying a meadow at the top of Round Mountain.

This exemplifies one of my favorite things about Albuquerque. Within an hour or two are all of these lush wildernesses to explore and to virtually have all to yourselves. Magical.

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