Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Valle Caldera Marathon, and training log

The Valle Caldera Marathon, 26.2 miles of running along jeep roads in various states of being, a climb from 8,000 feet to 10,000 feet, and two killer hills at miles 20 and 23.  This is, undoubtedly, the toughest marathon that I ever do, and quite possibly the most demanding race that I'll ever do, assuming that I don't give in to the ultra-running temptation.  So, why would I subject myself to this painful ordeal?  Quite simply because of the natural beauty of the Valle Caldera.  As a runner, this is the easiest, and one of the only ways to see the entire expanse of the Valle Caldera.  From the high point on Redondo Peak, the expanse of the caldera stretches out before you, dotted with green meadows and dense forests.  For those of you familiar with New Mexico, you understand that these can be rare sights around here.  Totally worth it.

Some of the Sandia running crew: Erick, Me, Diana, Charles, Patrick, and Margaret before our races.
This year's race proved even more spectacular than in years past for several reasons.  Right from the start of the race, I found myself out in front, and after the second mile I found myself alone in the woods running through the caldera.  Never having been so uniquely in front and isolated on this course before, I was the lucky person that got to startle all of the animals off of the trail as I came through.  First an elk at mile 4.5, then a large black bear near mile 10.  While I've run into small black bears in the Sandias before, this one gave me momentary pause due to it's immense size.  Luckily, for my sake at least, the bear took off through the woods upon seeing me.  The next 8 miles proved to be rather devoid of sensory inputs other than the scenery, but as I closed on mile 18 and struggled through the first 'wall' of the course, I was rejuvenated by running into spectators, including Kim, who cheered me on.  New this year, the preserve officials arranged to transport spectators out to the middle of the course to cheer us on.  On a marathon that is otherwise devoid of people outside of the aid stations, this was a god-send.  Especially with having Kim there to cheer me up and make me forget the pain that was fast approaching with the hills at mile 20 and 23.

Elk passing through the Valle Caldera near the marathon course.

One aspect of my racing is that I'm rather paranoid.  I hear the sound of my breathing and foot steps, and constantly think that it's someone coming up behind me.  With this motivation I kept forging ahead, determined to break my goal of 3:30.  After coming off the last hill, I started to realize that even running conservatively (fat chance that I was going to do that on a down hill so close to the end!), this goal wouldn't be a problem at all.  So, I'm pleased to report that I finished in 3:27:45, good enough for first place overall by about ten minutes.  That elusive first overall finally has been achieved.  I've been racing strong this year (or at least I'd like to think), but up until now it had frustrated me with several second place finishes and age group placings.  It's nice that things seem to have come full circle by achieving this goal on the course of my first ever marathon from three years ago.

Me with my 1st place trophy!
And, by request, my training log for this past week.  Since it was a taper week, low mileage, lots of resting, and nervousness in anticipation of the marathon.  For my trip to San Francisco, while normally I'd do a long, long run to check out the city on foot, I was constrained to just a short jaunt around the waterfront of South San Francisco in order to rest up. There was a gorgeous 1000 foot hill ripe for running behind our hotel, but I managed to resist its call this time...

Miles this week:
M: Pole Line - Pennsylvania loop plus 1 mile of strides (9.4)
Tu: Tuesday Handicap race route on base, plus 3/4 mile of strides (7.7)
W: Short loop around the base golf course, plus 1/2 mile of strides (7.4)
Th: To the Fartlek course through the arroyo on base, plus 1/4 mile of strides (5.9)
F: South San Francisco waterfront (5.4)
Sa: Rest
Su: Valle Caldera Marathon, plus warm up and cool down (28)
Total over 7 days: 63.8
Last 365 days: 3136.8

Update 6/19:  Results!  Apparently 3:27 is the 4th fastest time ever on that course...the course record is just 3:19:47...maybe I need to run it again next year...

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