Friday, November 16, 2012

Choo Choo! Taking the Train to Fussen

(September 15th) All aboard for Fussen!  I'm not sure why, but I have a fascination with trying to take pictures through train windows.  I know that they never turn out well, that maybe one out of four won't be blurry, and that there'll invariably be the rain streak residue left behind on the glass that I'm looking through, but I don't care.

My train ride to Fussen was, by most measures, quite hectic.  I say most because the train itself, making it there on time, connections, and just transportation related issues was pretty easy going.  In fact, it was one of the easier trips that I've had in recent memory!  The hectic part was introduced by finding out that I was being nominated for an award and needing to complete the application, write sample letters for people to use as templates for letters of reference, contact colleagues asking for favors, revise my CV from 13 to five pages, etc., all in the course of five days (during which I would have extremely limited internet access, no computer, and only my smart phone that really, really dislikes being used in Europe as was evident by it resetting applications every two to three minutes...yeah, try writing a two page long word document with a smart phone that resets the open office application ever two to three minutes....).  So, hectic. 

Despite all the modernity of the German train system, one thing that always puzzles me is that there's no wifi access on most of the high speed trains (I say most as evidently there're a few that I just haven't been on yet due to them running only limited routes).  So, during the train trip I managed to write all of the support material, compose and queue up emails to my colleagues, and, when I looked up to catch my breath and see what the Asian tourist across the aisle from me was taking a picture of, enjoy the country side briefly.  Below is about 83% of the extent of my enjoyment of the countryside.  I'll leave it to your imagination to describe what I'm seeing as I only fleetingly saw these between phone resets.  Everything is in Germany, and that's about the extent of useful information that I can provide.  Enjoy!

Rolling hills and forests, quaint house, and no village in sight.

I really liked that lake and the cows for some reason...

Picturesque river with a church steeple standing up in the back.

Starting to get into Southern Bavaria...the foothills of the German Alps are off in the distance.

The next day, blue skies and majestic mountains.
See those mountains?  Keep that jagged sight in mind for my next post, especially the one on the right...

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