Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fussen - A River Runs Through It

(September 16th) My last day in Fussen (really second half of the only day I spent there as my total time in this area was approximately 24 hours).  Having already checked out (albeit too quickly - I'll have to travel back to this corner of Germany one day when I have more time) the grand castles that this hamlet is famous for, I decided to strike off in the opposite direction.  My early morning run took me along the River Lech, which separates Germany and Austria, then back into the hills past lakes Mittersee, Obersee, Altasee.  Very beautiful area through and through I must admit.  It was a small climb up to the last lake, Altasee, but worth it.  I suppose, in order to have full disclosure for the previous post, that I should say that my Bavarian breakfast was enjoyed after that nine mile run...

Since I was running, no pictures of Altasee to share with you, but after breakfast I spent four or five hours hiking around Fussen itself:

Fussen's pedestrian mall, and Fussen schloss (castle) in the background.
The gorge below Lechfall.

Lechfall.  Contrary to what you might imagine, that was a pretty large (15-20 feet or so) waterfall.

The river Lech.  Germany on the right, Austria on the left. 

The river Lech, Lechfall, and a monument to the emperor Maximillian

St. Mang's Monastery.

The river Lech fully in Germany now as it flows past Fussen.  Franziskanerkloster on the left.

Franziskanerkloster from the other side.

The gardens of Franziskanerkloster.

Appropriately, a statue of St. Franics...unless I just made that up.

The cemetery at Alter Friedhof

Random Fussen house with pretty purple flowers in front

More of the Fussen pedestrian mall, this being a tucked away back street.

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