Friday, November 30, 2012

Stuttgart and my German love, Mercedes

(September 18th) Last day in Stuttgart.  A visit to Germany, for a Mechanical Engineer, really isn't complete without a visit to an auto museum.  And, what better place to go than the museum of the company that created the automobile to begin with?!

Instead of captions, I'll go with more text below the pictures this time, hopefully that'll be easier on your eyes.  Above center: the first car engine, one cylinder of course.  On the right, and left, two of the first models of "cars". To thank: Wilhelm Maybach and Gottlieb Daimler pioneered the petrol engine and were responsible for designing and making some of the world's first automobiles.

Ah, my love, the original Mercedes.
The original Mercedes was commissioned by Emil Jellineck afterthe Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG) had stopped building cars for the Nice-La Turbie race (circa 1900) following a tragic accident.  The commissioned car, shown above, was named after Emil's daughter, Mercedes,  and is widely regarded as the first modern car due as it was equipped with a powerful petrol engine, low center of gravity, a specifically designed steel chassis, and was wider and longer than other cars of the era, which were essentially modified stage coaches.

I probably have about a hundred pictures, so I'll just share the pretty ones, and the historical ones, with you now.

The first driver's license.

Herr Doktor Brake in front of Pascal's favorite car.

And the car without me sullying the view.

 More pretty cars...

And, my favorite car of them all.  Kudos to anyone who knows what it is (other than a Mercedes, and I'm not talking about the bus in the background either!).

Mercedes racing cars.  Originally silver due to them entering a car in a competition that was over weight...they shaved off the paint, made it into the race, and have been making their racers silver ever since.

Talk about being put up on a pedestal!  Future car concepts.

All aboard!

Outta the way!  Next stop, Nuevo Mexico!  Honk honk!

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