Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fussen - What to do after a run...

(September 15th-16th) What would I do after a run?  Well, the same thing that I always do after a run: eat like there's no tomorrow!  Some people have told me that they just can't stomach any food after a run...I always find this strange as I'm usually famished and filled with an insatiable appetite.  Granted, after a three hour ordeal, I can sympathize with those who don't want to eat immediately as there're generally enough things wrong that eating becomes a chore, but in general, I love to case you haven't been able to tell.

Dining in Fussen was not, shall we say, a gourmand experience.  Following my run, I cleaned up and then headed out to one of the higher rated restaurants: La Perla Ristorante Pizzeria.  Dinner consisted of a Ceasar's salad, Bruchetta, and Penne Arabiata:

Ceasar Salad and Bruchetta

Penne Arabiata
I always enjoy a good arabiata sauce: literally, a little angry, this sauce should me a mixture of fresh, crushed tomatoes, garlic, and spice.  These dishes were as they looked: something my sister probably wouldn't touch (since the lettuce was, ahem, iceberg lettuce...okay, enough picking on my picky sister), and surprisingly mediocre.  Usually, when I'm famished from a long run, everything tastes amazing...

The next morning I had my introduction to Bavarian breakfast food.  I found, in my travels, that Germans, and Bavarians in particular, are very proud of their culture.  So, it was unsurprising that every item I had for breakfast was titled as Bavarian pancakes, Bavarian sausage, Bavarian biscuits, Bavarian orange juice, etc.  Okay, maybe I made the last one up, but you get the point...

Bavarian sausages (two types), Bavarian pancakes, Bavarian sweet bread, and Bavarian apples.  Notice any trend yet?
For my last meal in Fussen before heading out, I couldn't resist the quintessential (at least in my ill-informed American view) meal of a pretzel and beer.  I got the distinct impression that this isn't what people normally order, but I endeavored to enjoy it nonetheless.  Unfortunately, the pretzel was a hard pretzel, and when asked, the hostess had no idea what I meant by 'mustard.'  The beer was good though...

Pretzel and Beer in Bavaria.
One more post for Fussen, then we move on to Stuttgart!

Edit: almost forgot about the tasty morsels that I brought back from Fussen:

Giant, stuffed cookies
These sweets, and I have no name what they're called, what the shop's name is, or anything else of use other than that I stumbled upon them near Fussen Schloss along the pedestrian mall's side streets, were essentially giant cookies (or fried cookie dough) that were knotted up like string around a sweet filling.  Some flavors that they had: chocolate, espresso, pistachio, champagne.  I only managed to bring three home as each one was the size of a grapefruit.  Giant really.  Messy, and oh so delicious, even a week later.  The shopkeeper tried telling me about the origin (she pointed to a picture on the wall and said they were invented in that city), but the English-German barrier was too great to elicit more information.  Another thing that I'll need to travel back to learn more about.  Though, if you've any information, feel free to share.

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