Friday, November 30, 2012

Stuttgart - Where's Pascal?

(September 18th) We've all played the game of "Where's Waldo" at one point or another.  I fondly remember playing it in church at some point even.  So, here's my more challenging version: "Where's Pascal?"  I almost forgot that I had these videos for you to enjoy, and the silly game simply comes from Pascal being hidden in one of them.  Enjoy!

Here's a stock photo to help you out:

Pascal center left in dark.

I didn't have much of a chance to talk about the museum building itself.  As you'll notice in the movies, it's round.  It also has a central atrium that extends the entire height of the building.  One of the neat safety features (safety for the cars, not the people) built in is that in case of a fire, all of the different rooms automatically close off, then giant fans at the very top of the atrium open up and can evacuate all of the air in the building in a matter of minutes.

A word of caution: there are engine sounds in just about all of them, so turn off your speakers if you don't want people giving you funny looks!

Video one: the early uses of the first engine.

Video two: Mercedes and her contemporaries.

Video three: the beautiful cars we wish we had...

P.S. I know I fibbed about that last post being it for Stuttgart, but hopefully these videos gave you a better feel of the Mercedes museum.

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